feat: offline NixOS LiveCD image

Includes inspiration from https://github.com/dhess/nixos-yubikey
This commit is contained in:
Xandor Schiefer 2022-10-01 00:31:44 +02:00
parent 5eeae2be7e
commit fcc77d4159

View File

@ -268,53 +268,192 @@ $ sudo yum install -y gnupg2 pinentry-curses pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-libs gnupg2-smi
## NixOS
Generate a NixOS LiveCD image with the given config:
Generate an air-gapped NixOS LiveCD image with the given config:
# yubikey-installer.nix
{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>, system ? "x86_64-linux" } :
config = { pkgs, ... }:
with pkgs; {
imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-plasma5.nix> ];
configuration = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with pkgs;
src = fetchGit "https://github.com/drduh/YubiKey-Guide";
boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_latest;
guide = "${src}/README.md";
services.pcscd.enable = true;
services.udev.packages = [ yubikey-personalization ];
contrib = "${src}/contrib";
environment.systemPackages = [ gnupg pinentry-curses pinentry-qt paperkey wget ];
drduhConfig = fetchGit "https://github.com/drduh/config";
programs = {
ssh.startAgent = false;
gnupg.agent = {
enable = true;
enableSSHSupport = true;
gpg-conf = "${drduhConfig}/gpg.conf";
xserverCfg = config.services.xserver;
pinentryFlavour = if xserverCfg.desktopManager.lxqt.enable || xserverCfg.desktopManager.plasma5.enable then
else if xserverCfg.desktopManager.xfce.enable then
else if xserverCfg.enable || config.programs.sway.enable then
# Instead of hard-coding the pinentry program, chose the appropriate one
# based on the environment of the image the user has chosen to build.
gpg-agent-conf = runCommand "gpg-agent.conf" {} ''
sed '/pinentry-program/d' ${drduhConfig}/gpg-agent.conf > $out
echo "pinentry-program ${pinentry.${pinentryFlavour}}/bin/pinentry" >> $out
view-yubikey-guide = writeShellScriptBin "view-yubikey-guide" ''
viewer="$(type -P xdg-open || true)"
if [ -z "$viewer" ]; then
viewer="${glow}/bin/glow -p"
exec $viewer "${guide}"
shortcut = makeDesktopItem {
name = "yubikey-guide";
icon = "${yubikey-manager-qt}/share/ykman-gui/icons/ykman.png";
desktopName = "drduh's YubiKey Guide";
genericName = "Guide to using YubiKey for GPG and SSH";
comment = "Open the guide in a reader program";
categories = [ "Documentation" ];
exec = "${view-yubikey-guide}/bin/view-yubikey-guide";
yubikey-guide = symlinkJoin {
name = "yubikey-guide";
paths = [ view-yubikey-guide shortcut ];
in {
nixpkgs.config = { allowBroken = true; };
isoImage.isoBaseName = lib.mkForce "nixos-yubikey";
# Uncomment this to disable compression and speed up image creation time
#isoImage.squashfsCompression = "gzip -Xcompression-level 1";
boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_latest;
# Always copytoram so that, if the image is booted from, e.g., a
# USB stick, nothing is mistakenly written to persistent storage.
boot.kernelParams = [ "copytoram" ];
# Secure defaults
boot.cleanTmpDir = true;
boot.kernel.sysctl = { "kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled" = 1; };
services.pcscd.enable = true;
services.udev.packages = [ yubikey-personalization ];
programs = {
ssh.startAgent = false;
gnupg.agent = {
enable = true;
enableSSHSupport = true;
environment.systemPackages = [
# Tools for backing up keys
# Yubico's official tools
# Testing
(haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables haskellPackages.hopenpgp-tools)
# Password generation tools
# Miscellaneous tools that might be useful beyond the scope of the guide
# This guide itself (run `view-yubikey-guide` on the terminal to open it
# in a non-graphical environment).
# Disable networking so the system is air-gapped
# Comment all of these lines out if you'll need internet access
boot.initrd.network.enable = false;
networking.dhcpcd.enable = false;
networking.dhcpcd.allowInterfaces = [];
networking.interfaces = {};
networking.firewall.enable = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
networking.useNetworkd = false;
networking.wireless.enable = false;
networking.networkmanager.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# Unset history so it's never stored
# Set GNUPGHOME to an ephemeral location and configure GPG with the
# guide's recommended settings.
environment.interactiveShellInit = ''
export GNUPGHOME="/run/user/$(id -u)/gnupg"
if [ ! -d "$GNUPGHOME" ]; then
echo "Creating \$GNUPGHOME…"
install --verbose -m=0700 --directory="$GNUPGHOME"
[ ! -f "$GNUPGHOME/gpg.conf" ] && cp --verbose ${gpg-conf} "$GNUPGHOME/gpg.conf"
[ ! -f "$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf" ] && cp --verbose ${gpg-agent-conf} "$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf"
echo "\$GNUPGHOME is \"$GNUPGHOME\""
# Copy the contents of contrib to the home directory, add a shortcut to
# the guide on the desktop, and link to the whole repo in the documents
# folder.
system.activationScripts.yubikeyGuide = let
homeDir = "/home/nixos/";
desktopDir = homeDir + "Desktop/";
documentsDir = homeDir + "Documents/";
in ''
mkdir -p ${desktopDir} ${documentsDir}
chown nixos ${homeDir} ${desktopDir} ${documentsDir}
cp -R ${contrib}/* ${homeDir}
ln -sf ${yubikey-guide}/share/applications/yubikey-guide.desktop ${desktopDir}
ln -sfT ${src} ${documentsDir}/YubiKey-Guide
nixos = import <nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix> {
inherit configuration;
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
evalNixos = configuration: import <nixpkgs/nixos> {
inherit system configuration;
# Choose the one you like:
#nixos-yubikey = nixos.iso_minimal; # No graphical environment
#nixos-yubikey = nixos.iso_gnome;
nixos-yubikey = nixos.iso_plasma5;
in {
iso = (evalNixos config).config.system.build.isoImage;
inherit nixos-yubikey;
Build the installer and copy it to a USB drive.
$ nix build -f yubikey-installer.nix --out-link installer
$ nix build -f yubikey-installer.nix -o installer nixos-yubikey
$ sudo cp -v installer/iso/*.iso /dev/sdb; sync
'installer/iso/nixos-20.03.git.c438ce1-x86_64-linux.iso' -> '/dev/sdb'
'installer/iso/nixos-yubikey-22.05beta-248980.gfedcba-x86_64-linux.iso' -> '/dev/sdb'
On NixOS, ensure that you have `pinentry-program /run/current-system/sw/bin/pinentry-curses` in your `$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf` before running any `gpg` commands.
With this image, you won't need to manually create a [temporary working directory](#temporary-working-directory) or [harden the configuration](#harden-configuration), as it was done when creating the image.
## OpenBSD
@ -2864,3 +3003,4 @@ Before you unmount your backup, ask yourself if you should make another one just
* https://mlohr.com/gpg-agent-forwarding/
* https://www.ingby.com/?p=293
* https://support.yubico.com/support/solutions/articles/15000027139-yubikey-5-2-3-enhancements-to-openpgp-3-4-support
* https://github.com/dhess/nixos-yubikey