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## @section Vaultwarden settings
## @param image.registry Vaultwarden image registry
registry: docker.io
## @param image.repository Vaultwarden image repository
repository: vaultwarden/server
## @param image.tag Vaultwarden image tag
## Ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/vaultwarden/server/tags
tag: "1.24.0"
## @param image.pullPolicy Vaultwarden image pull policy
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## @param image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
## Example:
## pullSecrets:
## - myRegistryKeySecretName
pullSecrets: []
## @param domain Domain name where the application is accessed
## Example: https://warden.contoso.com:8443
domain: ""
## @param websocket.enabled Enable websocket notifications
## @param websocket.address Websocket listen address
## @param websocket.port Websocket listen port
enabled: true
address: ""
port: 3012
## @param rocket.port Rocket port
## @param rocket.workers Rocket number of workers
port: "8080"
workers: "10"
## @param webVaultEnabled Enable Web Vault
webVaultEnabled: "true"
## @section Security settings
## @param adminToken The admin token used for /admin
#existingSecret: vaultwarden
existingSecretKey: ADMIN_TOKEN
value: "R@ndomToken$tring"
## @param signupsAllowed By default, anyone who can access your instance can register for a new account.
## To disable this, set this parameter to false. Even when signupsAllowed=false, an existing user who is
## an organization owner or admin can still invite new users. If you want to disable this as well, set
## invitationsAllowed to false. The vaultwarden admin can invite anyone via the admin page, regardless
## of any of the restrictions above
## If signupDomains is set, then the value of signupsAllowed is ignored
signupsAllowed: true
## @param invitationsAllowed Even when registration is disabled, organization administrators or owners can
## invite users to join organization. After they are invited, they can register with the invited email even
## if signupsAllowed is actually set to false. You can disable this functionality completely by setting
## invitationsAllowed env variable to false
invitationsAllowed: true
## @param signupDomains List of domain names for users allowed to register
signupDomains: "contoso.com"
## @param signupsVerify Whether to require account verification for newly-registered users.
signupsVerify: "true"
## @param showPassHint Whether a password hint should be shown in the page.
showPassHint: "false"
## @param fullnameOverride String to override the application name.
fullnameOverride: ""
## @param serviceAccount.create Create a service account
## @param serviceAccount.name Name of the service account to create
create: true
name: "vaultwarden-svc"
## @section Exposure Parameters
## Ingress configuration
## Refer to the README for some examples
## @param ingress.enabled Deploy an ingress resource.
enabled: false
## @param ingress.class Ingress resource class
## The Ingress class to use, e. g. "nginx" for a nginx ingress controller or "alb" for a AWS LB controller.
class: "nginx"
## @param ingress.nginxIngressAnnotations Add nginx specific ingress annotations
## This annotations are only makes sense for the kubernetes nginx ingress controller (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/)
nginxIngressAnnotations: true
## @param ingress.additionalAnnotations Additional annotations for the ingress resource.
additionalAnnotations: {}
## @param ingress.tls Enable TLS on the ingress resource.
tls: true
## @param ingress.hostname Hostname for the ingress.
hostname: "warden.contoso.com"
## @param ingress.path Default application path for the ingress
path: "/"
## @param ingress.pathWs Path for the websocket ingress
pathWs: "/notifications/hub"
## @param ingress.pathType Path type for the ingress
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/
pathType: "ImplementationSpecific"
## @param ingress.pathTypeWs Path type for the ingress
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/
pathTypeWs: "ImplementationSpecific"
## @param ingress.tlsSecret Kubernetes secret containing the SSL certificate when using the "nginx" class.
tlsSecret: ""
## @param ingress.nginxAllowList Comma-separated list of IP addresses and subnets to allow.
nginxAllowList: ""
## TODO:
## - Add support for using cert-manager.
## - Support for multiple TLS hostnames.
## Service configuration
## @param service.type Service type
type: "ClusterIP"
## @param service.annotations Additional annotations for the vaultwarden service
annotations: {}
## @section Database Configuration
## @param database.type Database type, either mysql or postgresql
## Default is a sqlite database.
type: "default"
## @param database.host Database hostname or IP address
host: ""
## @param database.port Database port
## Default for MySQL is 3306, default for PostgreSQL is 5432
port: ""
## @param database.username Database username
username: ""
## @param database.password Database password
password: ""
## @param database.dbName Database name
dbName: ""
## @param database.uriOverride Manually specify the DB connection string
uriOverride: ""
## @section SMTP Configuration
#existingSecret: vaultwarden
## @param smtp.host SMTP host
host: ""
## @param smtp.security SMTP Encryption method
## Possible values:
## - starttls: explicit TLS using ports 587 or 25
## - force_tls: implicit TLS using port 465
## - off: no encryption, using port 25, unless using STARTTLS
security: "starttls"
## @param smtp.port SMTP port
port: 25
## @param smtp.from SMTP sender email address
## Example: juan.delacruz@gmail.com
from: ""
## @param smtp.fromName SMTP sender FROM
fromName: ""
## @param smtp.username Username for the SMTP authentication.
## Example: juan
existingSecretKey: SMTP_USERNAME
value: ""
## @param smtp.password Password for the SMTP service.
existingSecretKey: SMTP_PASSWORD
value: ""
## @param smtp.authMechanism SMTP authentication mechanism
## Possible values: "Plain", "Login", "Xoauth2"
## Multiple options need to be separated by a comma. (not tested)
authMechanism: "Plain"
## @param smtp.acceptInvalidHostnames Accept Invalid Hostnames
acceptInvalidHostnames: "false"
## @param smtp.acceptInvalidCerts Accept Invalid Certificates
acceptInvalidCerts: "false"
## @param smtp.debug SMTP debugging
debug: false
## @section Storage Configuration
## @param storage.enabled Enable configuration for persistent storage
enabled: false
## @param storage.size Storage size for /data
size: "15Gi"
## @param storage.class Specify the storage class
class: "default"
## @param storage.dataDir Specify the data directory
dataDir: "/data"
## @section Logging Configuration
## @param logging.enabled Enable logging to a file
enabled: false
## @param logging.logfile Specify logfile path for output log
logfile: "/data/vaultwarden.log"
## @param logging.loglevel Specify the log level
loglevel: "warn"
## @section Extra containers Configuration
## @param initContainers extra init containers for initializing the vaultwarden instance
initContainers: []
## @param sidecars extra containers running alongside the vaultwarden instance
sidecars: []
## @section Extra Configuration
## @param nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
nodeSelector: {}
## @param affinity Affinity for pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
affinity: {}
## @param tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []