mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 11:23:56 +00:00
dont access global vars inject them
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ require (
github.com/akrylysov/pogreb v0.10.1
github.com/go-acme/lego/v4 v4.5.3
github.com/reugn/equalizer v0.0.0-20210216135016-a959c509d7ad
github.com/rs/zerolog v1.26.0 // indirect
github.com/rs/zerolog v1.26.0
github.com/valyala/fasthttp v1.31.0
github.com/valyala/fastjson v1.6.3
@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210119194325-5f4716e94777/go.mod h1:m0MpNAwzfU5UDzcl9v
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210226172049-e18ecbb05110/go.mod h1:m0MpNAwzfU5UDzcl9v0D8zg8gWTRqZa9RBIspLL5mdg=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210428140749-89ef3d95e781/go.mod h1:OJAsFXCWl8Ukc7SiCT/9KSuxbyM7479/AVlXFRxuMCk=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210510120150-4163338589ed/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210614182718-04defd469f4e h1:XpT3nA5TvE525Ne3hInMh6+GETgn27Zfm9dxsThnX2Q=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210614182718-04defd469f4e/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210805182204-aaa1db679c0d h1:20cMwl2fHAzkJMEA+8J4JgqBQcQGzbisXo31MIeenXI=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210805182204-aaa1db679c0d/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190226205417-e64efc72b421/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210124154548-22da62e12c0c/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210303074136-134d130e1a04/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210423082822-04245dca01da/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210514084401-e8d321eab015/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210615035016-665e8c7367d1 h1:SrN+KX8Art/Sf4HNj6Zcz06G7VEz+7w9tdXTPOZ7+l4=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210615035016-665e8c7367d1/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210809222454-d867a43fc93e h1:WUoyKPm6nCo1BnNUvPGnFG3T5DUVem42yDJZZ4CNxMA=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210809222454-d867a43fc93e/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201117132131-f5c789dd3221/go.mod h1:Nr5EML6q2oocZ2LXRh80K7BxOlk5/8JxuGnuhpl+muw=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo=
@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
// handler handles a single HTTP request to the web server.
func handler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
log := log.With().Str("handler", string(ctx.Request.Header.RequestURI())).Logger()
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Server", "Codeberg Pages")
// Force new default from specification (since November 2020) - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy#strict-origin-when-cross-origin
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin")
// Enable browser caching for up to 10 minutes
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=600")
trimmedHost := TrimHostPort(ctx.Request.Host())
// Add HSTS for RawDomain and MainDomainSuffix
if hsts := GetHSTSHeader(trimmedHost); hsts != "" {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Strict-Transport-Security", hsts)
// Block all methods not required for static pages
if !ctx.IsGet() && !ctx.IsHead() && !ctx.IsOptions() {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS")
ctx.Error("Method not allowed", fasthttp.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
// Block blacklisted paths (like ACME challenges)
for _, blacklistedPath := range BlacklistedPaths {
if bytes.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), blacklistedPath) {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden)
// Allow CORS for specified domains
if ctx.IsOptions() {
allowCors := false
for _, allowedCorsDomain := range AllowedCorsDomains {
if bytes.Equal(trimmedHost, allowedCorsDomain) {
allowCors = true
if allowCors {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD")
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS")
// Prepare request information to Gitea
var targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath string
var targetOptions = &upstreamOptions{
ForbiddenMimeTypes: map[string]struct{}{},
TryIndexPages: true,
// tryBranch checks if a branch exists and populates the target variables. If canonicalLink is non-empty, it will
// also disallow search indexing and add a Link header to the canonical URL.
var tryBranch = func(repo string, branch string, path []string, canonicalLink string) bool {
if repo == "" {
return false
// Check if the branch exists, otherwise treat it as a file path
branchTimestampResult := getBranchTimestamp(targetOwner, repo, branch)
if branchTimestampResult == nil {
// branch doesn't exist
return false
// Branch exists, use it
targetRepo = repo
targetPath = strings.Trim(strings.Join(path, "/"), "/")
targetBranch = branchTimestampResult.branch
targetOptions.BranchTimestamp = branchTimestampResult.timestamp
if canonicalLink != "" {
// Hide from search machines & add canonical link
ctx.Response.Header.Set("X-Robots-Tag", "noarchive, noindex")
strings.NewReplacer("%b", targetBranch, "%p", targetPath).Replace(canonicalLink)+
"; rel=\"canonical\"",
return true
// tryUpstream forwards the target request to the Gitea API, and shows an error page on failure.
var tryUpstream = func() {
// check if a canonical domain exists on a request on MainDomain
if bytes.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, MainDomainSuffix) {
canonicalDomain, _ := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, "")
if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0], string(MainDomainSuffix)) {
canonicalPath := string(ctx.RequestURI())
if targetRepo != "pages" {
canonicalPath = "/" + strings.SplitN(canonicalPath, "/", 3)[2]
ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+canonicalPath, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
// Try to request the file from the Gitea API
if !upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, targetOptions) {
returnErrorPage(ctx, ctx.Response.StatusCode())
if RawDomain != nil && bytes.Equal(trimmedHost, RawDomain) {
// Serve raw content from RawDomain
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain")
targetOptions.TryIndexPages = false
targetOptions.ForbiddenMimeTypes["text/html"] = struct{}{}
targetOptions.DefaultMimeType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
if len(pathElements) < 2 {
// https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}[/@{branch}]/{path} is required
ctx.Redirect(RawInfoPage, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
targetOwner = pathElements[0]
targetRepo = pathElements[1]
// raw.codeberg.org/example/myrepo/@main/index.html
if len(pathElements) > 2 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[2], "@") {
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with specified branch")
if tryBranch(targetRepo, pathElements[2][1:], pathElements[3:],
) {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
log.Debug().Msg("missing branch")
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with default branch")
tryBranch(targetRepo, "", pathElements[2:],
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else if bytes.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, MainDomainSuffix) {
// Serve pages from subdomains of MainDomainSuffix
log.Debug().Msg("main domain suffix")
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
targetOwner = string(bytes.TrimSuffix(trimmedHost, MainDomainSuffix))
targetRepo = pathElements[0]
targetPath = strings.Trim(strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), "/")
if targetOwner == "www" {
// www.codeberg.page redirects to codeberg.page
ctx.Redirect("https://"+string(MainDomainSuffix[1:])+string(ctx.Path()), fasthttp.StatusPermanentRedirect)
// Check if the first directory is a repo with the second directory as a branch
// example.codeberg.page/myrepo/@main/index.html
if len(pathElements) > 1 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[1], "@") {
if targetRepo == "pages" {
// example.codeberg.org/pages/@... redirects to example.codeberg.org/@...
ctx.Redirect("/"+strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo & branch")
if tryBranch(pathElements[0], pathElements[1][1:], pathElements[2:],
) {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// Check if the first directory is a branch for the "pages" repo
// example.codeberg.page/@main/index.html
if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") {
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified branch")
if tryBranch("pages", pathElements[0][1:], pathElements[1:], "/%p") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// Check if the first directory is a repo with a "pages" branch
// example.codeberg.page/myrepo/index.html
// example.codeberg.page/pages/... is not allowed here.
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo")
if pathElements[0] != "pages" && tryBranch(pathElements[0], "pages", pathElements[1:], "") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
// Try to use the "pages" repo on its default branch
// example.codeberg.page/index.html
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with default repo/branch")
if tryBranch("pages", "", pathElements, "") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
// Couldn't find a valid repo/branch
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
} else {
trimmedHostStr := string(trimmedHost)
// Serve pages from external domains
targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch = getTargetFromDNS(trimmedHostStr)
if targetOwner == "" {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
canonicalLink := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") {
targetBranch = pathElements[0][1:]
pathElements = pathElements[1:]
canonicalLink = "/%p"
// Try to use the given repo on the given branch or the default branch
log.Debug().Msg("custom domain preparations, now trying with details from DNS")
if tryBranch(targetRepo, targetBranch, pathElements, canonicalLink) {
canonicalDomain, valid := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, trimmedHostStr)
if !valid {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusMisdirectedRequest)
} else if canonicalDomain != trimmedHostStr {
// only redirect if the target is also a codeberg page!
targetOwner, _, _ = getTargetFromDNS(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0])
if targetOwner != "" {
ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+string(ctx.RequestURI()), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// returnErrorPage sets the response status code and writes NotFoundPage to the response body, with "%status" replaced
// with the provided status code.
func returnErrorPage(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, code int) {
ctx.Response.Header.SetContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8")
message := fasthttp.StatusMessage(code)
if code == fasthttp.StatusMisdirectedRequest {
message += " - domain not specified in <code>.domains</code> file"
if code == fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency {
message += " - target repo/branch doesn't exist or is private"
// TODO: use template engine?
ctx.Response.SetBody(bytes.ReplaceAll(NotFoundPage, []byte("%status"), []byte(strconv.Itoa(code)+" "+message)))
// DefaultBranchCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the default branch cache. It can be quite long.
var DefaultBranchCacheTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
// BranchExistanceCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the branch timestamp & existance cache. It should be shorter
// than FileCacheTimeout, as that gets invalidated if the branch timestamp has changed. That way, repo changes will be
// picked up faster, while still allowing the content to be cached longer if nothing changes.
var BranchExistanceCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// branchTimestampCache stores branch timestamps for faster cache checking
var branchTimestampCache = mcache.New()
type branchTimestamp struct {
branch string
timestamp time.Time
// FileCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the file content cache - you might want to make this quite long, depending
// on your available memory.
var FileCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// FileCacheSizeLimit limits the maximum file size that will be cached, and is set to 1 MB by default.
var FileCacheSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024
// fileResponseCache stores responses from the Gitea server
// TODO: make this an MRU cache with a size limit
var fileResponseCache = mcache.New()
type fileResponse struct {
exists bool
mimeType string
body []byte
// getBranchTimestamp finds the default branch (if branch is "") and returns the last modification time of the branch
// (or nil if the branch doesn't exist)
func getBranchTimestamp(owner, repo, branch string) *branchTimestamp {
if result, ok := branchTimestampCache.Get(owner + "/" + repo + "/" + branch); ok {
if result == nil {
return nil
return result.(*branchTimestamp)
result := &branchTimestamp{}
result.branch = branch
if branch == "" {
// Get default branch
var body = make([]byte, 0)
// TODO: use header for API key?
status, body, err := fasthttp.GetTimeout(body, string(GiteaRoot)+"/api/v1/repos/"+owner+"/"+repo+"?access_token="+GiteaApiToken, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil || status != 200 {
_ = branchTimestampCache.Set(owner+"/"+repo+"/"+branch, nil, DefaultBranchCacheTimeout)
return nil
result.branch = fastjson.GetString(body, "default_branch")
var body = make([]byte, 0)
status, body, err := fasthttp.GetTimeout(body, string(GiteaRoot)+"/api/v1/repos/"+owner+"/"+repo+"/branches/"+branch+"?access_token="+GiteaApiToken, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil || status != 200 {
return nil
result.timestamp, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, fastjson.GetString(body, "commit", "timestamp"))
_ = branchTimestampCache.Set(owner+"/"+repo+"/"+branch, result, BranchExistanceCacheTimeout)
return result
var upstreamClient = fasthttp.Client{
ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxConnDuration: 60 * time.Second,
MaxConnWaitTimeout: 1000 * time.Millisecond,
MaxConnsPerHost: 128 * 16, // TODO: adjust bottlenecks for best performance with Gitea!
// upstream requests a file from the Gitea API at GiteaRoot and writes it to the request context.
func upstream(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath string, options *upstreamOptions) (final bool) {
log := log.With().Strs("upstream", []string{targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath}).Logger()
if options.ForbiddenMimeTypes == nil {
options.ForbiddenMimeTypes = map[string]struct{}{}
// Check if the branch exists and when it was modified
if options.BranchTimestamp == (time.Time{}) {
branch := getBranchTimestamp(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch)
if branch == nil {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
return true
targetBranch = branch.branch
options.BranchTimestamp = branch.timestamp
if targetOwner == "" || targetRepo == "" || targetBranch == "" {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
return true
// Check if the browser has a cached version
if ifModifiedSince, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("If-Modified-Since"))); err == nil {
if !ifModifiedSince.Before(options.BranchTimestamp) {
return true
// Make a GET request to the upstream URL
uri := targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetBranch + "/" + targetPath
var req *fasthttp.Request
var res *fasthttp.Response
var cachedResponse fileResponse
var err error
if cachedValue, ok := fileResponseCache.Get(uri + "?timestamp=" + strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10)); ok && len(cachedValue.(fileResponse).body) > 0 {
cachedResponse = cachedValue.(fileResponse)
} else {
req = fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
req.SetRequestURI(string(GiteaRoot) + "/api/v1/repos/" + uri + "?access_token=" + GiteaApiToken)
res = fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
res.SetBodyStream(&strings.Reader{}, -1)
err = upstreamClient.Do(req, res)
// Handle errors
if (res == nil && !cachedResponse.exists) || (res != nil && res.StatusCode() == fasthttp.StatusNotFound) {
if options.TryIndexPages {
// copy the options struct & try if an index page exists
optionsForIndexPages := *options
optionsForIndexPages.TryIndexPages = false
optionsForIndexPages.AppendTrailingSlash = true
for _, indexPage := range IndexPages {
if upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, strings.TrimSuffix(targetPath, "/")+"/"+indexPage, &optionsForIndexPages) {
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
// compatibility fix for GitHub Pages (/example → /example.html)
optionsForIndexPages.AppendTrailingSlash = false
optionsForIndexPages.RedirectIfExists = string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()) + ".html"
if upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath+".html", &optionsForIndexPages) {
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
if res != nil {
// Update cache if the request is fresh
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return false
if res != nil && (err != nil || res.StatusCode() != fasthttp.StatusOK) {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't fetch contents from \"%s\": %s (status code %d)\n", req.RequestURI(), err, res.StatusCode())
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
return true
// Append trailing slash if missing (for index files), and redirect to fix filenames in general
// options.AppendTrailingSlash is only true when looking for index pages
if options.AppendTrailingSlash && !bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte{'/'}) {
ctx.Redirect(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path())+"/", fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
if bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte("/index.html")) {
ctx.Redirect(strings.TrimSuffix(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()), "index.html"), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
if options.RedirectIfExists != "" {
ctx.Redirect(options.RedirectIfExists, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
log.Debug().Msg("error handling")
// Set the MIME type
mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(path.Ext(targetPath))
mimeTypeSplit := strings.SplitN(mimeType, ";", 2)
if _, ok := options.ForbiddenMimeTypes[mimeTypeSplit[0]]; ok || mimeType == "" {
if options.DefaultMimeType != "" {
mimeType = options.DefaultMimeType
} else {
mimeType = "application/octet-stream"
// Everything's okay so far
log.Debug().Msg("response preparations")
// Write the response body to the original request
var cacheBodyWriter bytes.Buffer
if res != nil {
if res.Header.ContentLength() > FileCacheSizeLimit {
err = res.BodyWriteTo(ctx.Response.BodyWriter())
} else {
// TODO: cache is half-empty if request is cancelled - does the ctx.Err() below do the trick?
err = res.BodyWriteTo(io.MultiWriter(ctx.Response.BodyWriter(), &cacheBodyWriter))
} else {
_, err = ctx.Write(cachedResponse.body)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't write body for \"%s\": %s\n", req.RequestURI(), err)
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
return true
if res != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
cachedResponse.exists = true
cachedResponse.mimeType = mimeType
cachedResponse.body = cacheBodyWriter.Bytes()
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), cachedResponse, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
// upstreamOptions provides various options for the upstream request.
type upstreamOptions struct {
DefaultMimeType string
ForbiddenMimeTypes map[string]struct{}
TryIndexPages bool
AppendTrailingSlash bool
RedirectIfExists string
BranchTimestamp time.Time
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package html
import _ "embed"
//go:embed 404.html
var NotFoundPage []byte
@ -26,31 +26,28 @@ import (
_ "embed"
pages_server "codeberg.org/codeberg/pages/server"
// MainDomainSuffix specifies the main domain (starting with a dot) for which subdomains shall be served as static
// pages, or used for comparison in CNAME lookups. Static pages can be accessed through
// https://{owner}.{MainDomain}[/{repo}], with repo defaulting to "pages".
var MainDomainSuffix = []byte("." + envOr("PAGES_DOMAIN", "codeberg.page"))
var MainDomainSuffix = []byte("." + pages_server.EnvOr("PAGES_DOMAIN", "codeberg.page"))
// GiteaRoot specifies the root URL of the Gitea instance, without a trailing slash.
var GiteaRoot = []byte(envOr("GITEA_ROOT", "https://codeberg.org"))
var GiteaRoot = []byte(pages_server.EnvOr("GITEA_ROOT", "https://codeberg.org"))
var GiteaApiToken = envOr("GITEA_API_TOKEN", "")
//go:embed 404.html
var NotFoundPage []byte
var GiteaApiToken = pages_server.EnvOr("GITEA_API_TOKEN", "")
// RawDomain specifies the domain from which raw repository content shall be served in the following format:
// https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}[/{branch|tag|commit}/{version}]/{filepath...}
// (set to []byte(nil) to disable raw content hosting)
var RawDomain = []byte(envOr("RAW_DOMAIN", "raw.codeberg.org"))
var RawDomain = []byte(pages_server.EnvOr("RAW_DOMAIN", "raw.codeberg.org"))
// RawInfoPage will be shown (with a redirect) when trying to access RawDomain directly (or without owner/repo/path).
var RawInfoPage = envOr("REDIRECT_RAW_INFO", "https://docs.codeberg.org/pages/raw-content/")
var RawInfoPage = pages_server.EnvOr("REDIRECT_RAW_INFO", "https://docs.codeberg.org/pages/raw-content/")
// AllowedCorsDomains lists the domains for which Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is allowed.
var AllowedCorsDomains = [][]byte{
@ -64,11 +61,6 @@ var BlacklistedPaths = [][]byte{
// IndexPages lists pages that may be considered as index pages for directories.
var IndexPages = []string{
// main sets up and starts the web server.
func main() {
// TODO: CLI Library
@ -77,15 +69,15 @@ func main() {
println("--remove-certificate requires at least one domain as an argument")
if keyDatabaseErr != nil {
if pages_server.KeyDatabaseErr != nil {
for _, domain := range os.Args[2:] {
if err := keyDatabase.Delete([]byte(domain)); err != nil {
if err := pages_server.KeyDatabase.Delete([]byte(domain)); err != nil {
if err := keyDatabase.Sync(); err != nil {
if err := pages_server.KeyDatabase.Sync(); err != nil {
@ -98,10 +90,13 @@ func main() {
GiteaRoot = bytes.TrimSuffix(GiteaRoot, []byte{'/'})
// Use HOST and PORT environment variables to determine listening address
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", envOr("HOST", "[::]"), envOr("PORT", "443"))
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", pages_server.EnvOr("HOST", "[::]"), pages_server.EnvOr("PORT", "443"))
log.Printf("Listening on https://%s", address)
// Enable compression by wrapping the handler() method with the compression function provided by FastHTTP
// Create handler based on settings
handler := pages_server.Handler(MainDomainSuffix, RawDomain, GiteaRoot, RawInfoPage, GiteaApiToken, BlacklistedPaths, AllowedCorsDomains)
// Enable compression by wrapping the handler with the compression function provided by FastHTTP
compressedHandler := fasthttp.CompressHandlerBrotliLevel(handler, fasthttp.CompressBrotliBestSpeed, fasthttp.CompressBestSpeed)
server := &fasthttp.Server{
@ -120,15 +115,15 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Couldn't create listener: %s", err)
listener = tls.NewListener(listener, tlsConfig)
listener = tls.NewListener(listener, pages_server.TlsConfig(MainDomainSuffix, string(GiteaRoot), GiteaApiToken))
if os.Getenv("ENABLE_HTTP_SERVER") == "true" {
go (func() {
challengePath := []byte("/.well-known/acme-challenge/")
err := fasthttp.ListenAndServe("[::]:80", func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), challengePath) {
challenge, ok := challengeCache.Get(string(TrimHostPort(ctx.Host())) + "/" + string(bytes.TrimPrefix(ctx.Path(), challengePath)))
challenge, ok := pages_server.ChallengeCache.Get(string(pages_server.TrimHostPort(ctx.Host())) + "/" + string(bytes.TrimPrefix(ctx.Path(), challengePath)))
if !ok || challenge == nil {
ctx.SetBodyString("no challenge for this token")
@ -150,12 +145,3 @@ func main() {
log.Fatalf("Couldn't start server: %s", err)
// envOr reads an environment variable and returns a default value if it's empty.
// TODO: to helpers.go or use CLI framework
func envOr(env string, or string) string {
if v := os.Getenv(env); v != "" {
return v
return or
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package main
package server
import (
@ -37,102 +37,104 @@ import (
// tlsConfig contains the configuration for generating, serving and cleaning up Let's Encrypt certificates.
var tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
// check DNS name & get certificate from Let's Encrypt
GetCertificate: func(info *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
sni := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(info.ServerName))
sniBytes := []byte(sni)
if len(sni) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("missing sni")
// TlsConfig returns the configuration for generating, serving and cleaning up Let's Encrypt certificates.
func TlsConfig(mainDomainSuffix []byte, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken string) *tls.Config {
return &tls.Config{
// check DNS name & get certificate from Let's Encrypt
GetCertificate: func(info *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
sni := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(info.ServerName))
sniBytes := []byte(sni)
if len(sni) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("missing sni")
if info.SupportedProtos != nil {
for _, proto := range info.SupportedProtos {
if proto == tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol {
challenge, ok := challengeCache.Get(sni)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("no challenge for this domain")
if info.SupportedProtos != nil {
for _, proto := range info.SupportedProtos {
if proto == tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol {
challenge, ok := ChallengeCache.Get(sni)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("no challenge for this domain")
cert, err := tlsalpn01.ChallengeCert(sni, challenge.(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cert, nil
cert, err := tlsalpn01.ChallengeCert(sni, challenge.(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cert, nil
targetOwner := ""
if bytes.HasSuffix(sniBytes, MainDomainSuffix) || bytes.Equal(sniBytes, MainDomainSuffix[1:]) {
// deliver default certificate for the main domain (*.codeberg.page)
sniBytes = MainDomainSuffix
sni = string(sniBytes)
} else {
var targetRepo, targetBranch string
targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch = getTargetFromDNS(sni)
if targetOwner == "" {
// DNS not set up, return main certificate to redirect to the docs
sniBytes = MainDomainSuffix
targetOwner := ""
if bytes.HasSuffix(sniBytes, mainDomainSuffix) || bytes.Equal(sniBytes, mainDomainSuffix[1:]) {
// deliver default certificate for the main domain (*.codeberg.page)
sniBytes = mainDomainSuffix
sni = string(sniBytes)
} else {
_, _ = targetRepo, targetBranch
_, valid := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, sni)
if !valid {
sniBytes = MainDomainSuffix
var targetRepo, targetBranch string
targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch = getTargetFromDNS(sni, string(mainDomainSuffix))
if targetOwner == "" {
// DNS not set up, return main certificate to redirect to the docs
sniBytes = mainDomainSuffix
sni = string(sniBytes)
} else {
_, _ = targetRepo, targetBranch
_, valid := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, sni, string(mainDomainSuffix), giteaRoot, giteaApiToken)
if !valid {
sniBytes = mainDomainSuffix
sni = string(sniBytes)
if tlsCertificate, ok := keyCache.Get(sni); ok {
// we can use an existing certificate object
return tlsCertificate.(*tls.Certificate), nil
var tlsCertificate tls.Certificate
var err error
var ok bool
if tlsCertificate, ok = retrieveCertFromDB(sniBytes); !ok {
// request a new certificate
if bytes.Equal(sniBytes, MainDomainSuffix) {
return nil, errors.New("won't request certificate for main domain, something really bad has happened")
if tlsCertificate, ok := keyCache.Get(sni); ok {
// we can use an existing certificate object
return tlsCertificate.(*tls.Certificate), nil
tlsCertificate, err = obtainCert(acmeClient, []string{sni}, nil, targetOwner)
var tlsCertificate tls.Certificate
var err error
var ok bool
if tlsCertificate, ok = retrieveCertFromDB(sniBytes, mainDomainSuffix); !ok {
// request a new certificate
if bytes.Equal(sniBytes, mainDomainSuffix) {
return nil, errors.New("won't request certificate for main domain, something really bad has happened")
tlsCertificate, err = obtainCert(acmeClient, []string{sni}, nil, targetOwner, mainDomainSuffix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = keyCache.Set(sni, &tlsCertificate, 15*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tlsCertificate, nil
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
NextProtos: []string{
err = keyCache.Set(sni, &tlsCertificate, 15*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return &tlsCertificate, nil
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
NextProtos: []string{
// generated 2021-07-13, Mozilla Guideline v5.6, Go 1.14.4, intermediate configuration
// https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=go&version=1.14.4&config=intermediate&guideline=5.6
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
// generated 2021-07-13, Mozilla Guideline v5.6, Go 1.14.4, intermediate configuration
// https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=go&version=1.14.4&config=intermediate&guideline=5.6
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
// TODO: clean up & move to init
var keyCache = mcache.New()
var keyDatabase, keyDatabaseErr = pogreb.Open("key-database.pogreb", &pogreb.Options{
var KeyDatabase, KeyDatabaseErr = pogreb.Open("key-database.pogreb", &pogreb.Options{
BackgroundSyncInterval: 30 * time.Second,
BackgroundCompactionInterval: 6 * time.Hour,
FileSystem: fs.OSMMap,
@ -181,17 +183,17 @@ var acmeClientOrderLimit = equalizer.NewTokenBucket(25, 15*time.Minute)
// rate limit is 20 / second, we want 5 / second (especially as one cert takes at least two requests)
var acmeClientRequestLimit = equalizer.NewTokenBucket(5, 1*time.Second)
var challengeCache = mcache.New()
var ChallengeCache = mcache.New()
type AcmeTLSChallengeProvider struct{}
var _ challenge.Provider = AcmeTLSChallengeProvider{}
func (a AcmeTLSChallengeProvider) Present(domain, _, keyAuth string) error {
return challengeCache.Set(domain, keyAuth, 1*time.Hour)
return ChallengeCache.Set(domain, keyAuth, 1*time.Hour)
func (a AcmeTLSChallengeProvider) CleanUp(domain, _, _ string) error {
return nil
@ -200,17 +202,17 @@ type AcmeHTTPChallengeProvider struct{}
var _ challenge.Provider = AcmeHTTPChallengeProvider{}
func (a AcmeHTTPChallengeProvider) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
return challengeCache.Set(domain+"/"+token, keyAuth, 1*time.Hour)
return ChallengeCache.Set(domain+"/"+token, keyAuth, 1*time.Hour)
func (a AcmeHTTPChallengeProvider) CleanUp(domain, token, _ string) error {
challengeCache.Remove(domain + "/" + token)
ChallengeCache.Remove(domain + "/" + token)
return nil
func retrieveCertFromDB(sni []byte) (tls.Certificate, bool) {
func retrieveCertFromDB(sni, mainDomainSuffix []byte) (tls.Certificate, bool) {
// parse certificate from database
res := &certificate.Resource{}
if !PogrebGet(keyDatabase, sni, res) {
if !PogrebGet(KeyDatabase, sni, res) {
return tls.Certificate{}, false
@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ func retrieveCertFromDB(sni []byte) (tls.Certificate, bool) {
// TODO: document & put into own function
if !bytes.Equal(sni, MainDomainSuffix) {
if !bytes.Equal(sni, mainDomainSuffix) {
tlsCertificate.Leaf, err = x509.ParseCertificate(tlsCertificate.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ func retrieveCertFromDB(sni []byte) (tls.Certificate, bool) {
go (func() {
res.CSR = nil // acme client doesn't like CSR to be set
tlsCertificate, err = obtainCert(acmeClient, []string{string(sni)}, res, "")
tlsCertificate, err = obtainCert(acmeClient, []string{string(sni)}, res, "", mainDomainSuffix)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't renew certificate for %s: %s", sni, err)
@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ func retrieveCertFromDB(sni []byte) (tls.Certificate, bool) {
var obtainLocks = sync.Map{}
func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Resource, user string) (tls.Certificate, error) {
func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Resource, user string, mainDomainSuffix []byte) (tls.Certificate, error) {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(domains[0], "*")
if os.Getenv("DNS_PROVIDER") == "" && len(domains[0]) > 0 && domains[0][0] == '*' {
domains = domains[1:]
@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Re
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
_, working = obtainLocks.Load(name)
cert, ok := retrieveCertFromDB([]byte(name))
cert, ok := retrieveCertFromDB([]byte(name), mainDomainSuffix)
if !ok {
return tls.Certificate{}, errors.New("certificate failed in synchronous request")
@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Re
defer obtainLocks.Delete(name)
if acmeClient == nil {
return mockCert(domains[0], "ACME client uninitialized. This is a server error, please report!"), nil
return mockCert(domains[0], "ACME client uninitialized. This is a server error, please report!", string(mainDomainSuffix)), nil
// request actual cert
@ -315,15 +317,15 @@ func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Re
if err == nil && tlsCertificate.Leaf.NotAfter.After(time.Now()) {
// avoid sending a mock cert instead of a still valid cert, instead abuse CSR field to store time to try again at
renew.CSR = []byte(strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Add(6*time.Hour).Unix(), 10))
PogrebPut(keyDatabase, []byte(name), renew)
PogrebPut(KeyDatabase, []byte(name), renew)
return tlsCertificate, nil
return mockCert(domains[0], err.Error()), err
return mockCert(domains[0], err.Error(), string(mainDomainSuffix)), err
log.Printf("Obtained certificate for %v", domains)
PogrebPut(keyDatabase, []byte(name), res)
PogrebPut(KeyDatabase, []byte(name), res)
tlsCertificate, err := tls.X509KeyPair(res.Certificate, res.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return tls.Certificate{}, err
@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ func obtainCert(acmeClient *lego.Client, domains []string, renew *certificate.Re
return tlsCertificate, nil
func mockCert(domain string, msg string) tls.Certificate {
func mockCert(domain, msg, mainDomainSuffix string) tls.Certificate {
key, err := certcrypto.GeneratePrivateKey(certcrypto.RSA2048)
if err != nil {
@ -385,10 +387,10 @@ func mockCert(domain string, msg string) tls.Certificate {
Domain: domain,
databaseName := domain
if domain == "*"+string(MainDomainSuffix) || domain == string(MainDomainSuffix[1:]) {
databaseName = string(MainDomainSuffix)
if domain == "*"+mainDomainSuffix || domain == mainDomainSuffix[1:] {
databaseName = mainDomainSuffix
PogrebPut(keyDatabase, []byte(databaseName), res)
PogrebPut(KeyDatabase, []byte(databaseName), res)
tlsCertificate, err := tls.X509KeyPair(res.Certificate, res.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
@ -397,9 +399,9 @@ func mockCert(domain string, msg string) tls.Certificate {
return tlsCertificate
func setupCertificates() {
if keyDatabaseErr != nil {
func SetupCertificates(mainDomainSuffix []byte) {
if KeyDatabaseErr != nil {
if os.Getenv("ACME_ACCEPT_TERMS") != "true" || (os.Getenv("DNS_PROVIDER") == "" && os.Getenv("ACME_API") != "https://acme.mock.directory") {
@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
// getting main cert before ACME account so that we can panic here on database failure without hitting rate limits
mainCertBytes, err := keyDatabase.Get(MainDomainSuffix)
mainCertBytes, err := KeyDatabase.Get(mainDomainSuffix)
if err != nil {
// key database is not working
@ -423,7 +425,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
myAcmeConfig = lego.NewConfig(&myAcmeAccount)
myAcmeConfig.CADirURL = envOr("ACME_API", "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
myAcmeConfig.CADirURL = EnvOr("ACME_API", "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
myAcmeConfig.Certificate.KeyType = certcrypto.RSA2048
_, err := lego.NewClient(myAcmeConfig)
if err != nil {
@ -435,12 +437,12 @@ func setupCertificates() {
myAcmeAccount = AcmeAccount{
Email: envOr("ACME_EMAIL", "noreply@example.email"),
Email: EnvOr("ACME_EMAIL", "noreply@example.email"),
Key: privateKey,
KeyPEM: string(certcrypto.PEMEncode(privateKey)),
myAcmeConfig = lego.NewConfig(&myAcmeAccount)
myAcmeConfig.CADirURL = envOr("ACME_API", "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
myAcmeConfig.CADirURL = EnvOr("ACME_API", "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
myAcmeConfig.Certificate.KeyType = certcrypto.RSA2048
tempClient, err := lego.NewClient(myAcmeConfig)
if err != nil {
@ -523,7 +525,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
if mainCertBytes == nil {
_, err = obtainCert(mainDomainAcmeClient, []string{"*" + string(MainDomainSuffix), string(MainDomainSuffix[1:])}, nil, "")
_, err = obtainCert(mainDomainAcmeClient, []string{"*" + string(mainDomainSuffix), string(mainDomainSuffix[1:])}, nil, "", mainDomainSuffix)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Couldn't renew main domain certificate, continuing with mock certs only: %s", err)
@ -531,7 +533,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
go (func() {
for {
err := keyDatabase.Sync()
err := KeyDatabase.Sync()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Syncing key database failed: %s", err)
@ -544,10 +546,10 @@ func setupCertificates() {
// clean up expired certs
now := time.Now()
expiredCertCount := 0
keyDatabaseIterator := keyDatabase.Items()
keyDatabaseIterator := KeyDatabase.Items()
key, resBytes, err := keyDatabaseIterator.Next()
for err == nil {
if !bytes.Equal(key, MainDomainSuffix) {
if !bytes.Equal(key, mainDomainSuffix) {
resGob := bytes.NewBuffer(resBytes)
resDec := gob.NewDecoder(resGob)
res := &certificate.Resource{}
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
tlsCertificates, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(res.Certificate)
if err != nil || !tlsCertificates[0].NotAfter.After(now) {
err := keyDatabase.Delete(key)
err := KeyDatabase.Delete(key)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Deleting expired certificate for %s failed: %s", string(key), err)
} else {
@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
log.Printf("[INFO] Removed %d expired certificates from the database", expiredCertCount)
// compact the database
result, err := keyDatabase.Compact()
result, err := KeyDatabase.Compact()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Compacting key database failed: %s", err)
} else {
@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
// update main cert
res := &certificate.Resource{}
if !PogrebGet(keyDatabase, MainDomainSuffix, res) {
if !PogrebGet(KeyDatabase, mainDomainSuffix, res) {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Couldn't renew certificate for main domain: %s", "expected main domain cert to exist, but it's missing - seems like the database is corrupted")
} else {
tlsCertificates, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(res.Certificate)
@ -588,7 +590,7 @@ func setupCertificates() {
// renew main certificate 30 days before it expires
if !tlsCertificates[0].NotAfter.After(time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour)) {
go (func() {
_, err = obtainCert(mainDomainAcmeClient, []string{"*" + string(MainDomainSuffix), string(MainDomainSuffix[1:])}, res, "")
_, err = obtainCert(mainDomainAcmeClient, []string{"*" + string(mainDomainSuffix), string(mainDomainSuffix[1:])}, res, "", mainDomainSuffix)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Couldn't renew certificate for main domain: %s", err)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package main
package server
import (
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var dnsLookupCache = mcache.New()
// getTargetFromDNS searches for CNAME or TXT entries on the request domain ending with MainDomainSuffix.
// If everything is fine, it returns the target data.
func getTargetFromDNS(domain string) (targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch string) {
func getTargetFromDNS(domain, mainDomainSuffix string) (targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch string) {
// Get CNAME or TXT
var cname string
var err error
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ func getTargetFromDNS(domain string) (targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch stri
} else {
cname, err = net.LookupCNAME(domain)
cname = strings.TrimSuffix(cname, ".")
if err != nil || !strings.HasSuffix(cname, string(MainDomainSuffix)) {
if err != nil || !strings.HasSuffix(cname, mainDomainSuffix) {
cname = ""
// TODO: check if the A record matches!
names, err := net.LookupTXT(domain)
if err == nil {
for _, name := range names {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".")
if strings.HasSuffix(name, string(MainDomainSuffix)) {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, mainDomainSuffix) {
cname = name
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func getTargetFromDNS(domain string) (targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch stri
if cname == "" {
cnameParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(cname, string(MainDomainSuffix)), ".")
cnameParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(cname, mainDomainSuffix), ".")
targetOwner = cnameParts[len(cnameParts)-1]
if len(cnameParts) > 1 {
targetRepo = cnameParts[len(cnameParts)-2]
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ var CanonicalDomainCacheTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
var canonicalDomainCache = mcache.New()
// checkCanonicalDomain returns the canonical domain specified in the repo (using the file `.canonical-domain`).
func checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, actualDomain string) (canonicalDomain string, valid bool) {
func checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, actualDomain, mainDomainSuffix, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken string) (canonicalDomain string, valid bool) {
domains := []string{}
if cachedValue, ok := canonicalDomainCache.Get(targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/" + targetBranch); ok {
domains = cachedValue.([]string)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, actualDomain st
} else {
req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
req.SetRequestURI(string(GiteaRoot) + "/api/v1/repos/" + targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetBranch + "/.domains" + "?access_token=" + GiteaApiToken)
req.SetRequestURI(giteaRoot + "/api/v1/repos/" + targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetBranch + "/.domains" + "?access_token=" + giteaApiToken)
res := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
err := upstreamClient.Do(req, res)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, actualDomain st
domains = append(domains, targetOwner+string(MainDomainSuffix))
domains = append(domains, targetOwner+mainDomainSuffix)
if domains[len(domains)-1] == actualDomain {
valid = true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
package server
import (
// Handler handles a single HTTP request to the web server.
func Handler(mainDomainSuffix, rawDomain, giteaRoot []byte, rawInfoPage, giteaApiToken string, blacklistedPaths, allowedCorsDomains [][]byte) func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
return func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
log := log.With().Str("Handler", string(ctx.Request.Header.RequestURI())).Logger()
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Server", "Codeberg Pages")
// Force new default from specification (since November 2020) - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy#strict-origin-when-cross-origin
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin")
// Enable browser caching for up to 10 minutes
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=600")
trimmedHost := TrimHostPort(ctx.Request.Host())
// Add HSTS for RawDomain and MainDomainSuffix
if hsts := GetHSTSHeader(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix, rawDomain); hsts != "" {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Strict-Transport-Security", hsts)
// Block all methods not required for static pages
if !ctx.IsGet() && !ctx.IsHead() && !ctx.IsOptions() {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS")
ctx.Error("Method not allowed", fasthttp.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
// Block blacklisted paths (like ACME challenges)
for _, blacklistedPath := range blacklistedPaths {
if bytes.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), blacklistedPath) {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusForbidden)
// Allow CORS for specified domains
if ctx.IsOptions() {
allowCors := false
for _, allowedCorsDomain := range allowedCorsDomains {
if bytes.Equal(trimmedHost, allowedCorsDomain) {
allowCors = true
if allowCors {
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD")
ctx.Response.Header.Set("Allow", "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS")
// Prepare request information to Gitea
var targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath string
var targetOptions = &upstreamOptions{
ForbiddenMimeTypes: map[string]struct{}{},
TryIndexPages: true,
// tryBranch checks if a branch exists and populates the target variables. If canonicalLink is non-empty, it will
// also disallow search indexing and add a Link header to the canonical URL.
var tryBranch = func(repo string, branch string, path []string, canonicalLink string) bool {
if repo == "" {
return false
// Check if the branch exists, otherwise treat it as a file path
branchTimestampResult := getBranchTimestamp(targetOwner, repo, branch, string(giteaRoot), giteaApiToken)
if branchTimestampResult == nil {
// branch doesn't exist
return false
// Branch exists, use it
targetRepo = repo
targetPath = strings.Trim(strings.Join(path, "/"), "/")
targetBranch = branchTimestampResult.branch
targetOptions.BranchTimestamp = branchTimestampResult.timestamp
if canonicalLink != "" {
// Hide from search machines & add canonical link
ctx.Response.Header.Set("X-Robots-Tag", "noarchive, noindex")
strings.NewReplacer("%b", targetBranch, "%p", targetPath).Replace(canonicalLink)+
"; rel=\"canonical\"",
return true
// tryUpstream forwards the target request to the Gitea API, and shows an error page on failure.
var tryUpstream = func() {
// check if a canonical domain exists on a request on MainDomain
if bytes.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix) {
canonicalDomain, _ := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, "", string(mainDomainSuffix), string(giteaRoot), giteaApiToken)
if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0], string(mainDomainSuffix)) {
canonicalPath := string(ctx.RequestURI())
if targetRepo != "pages" {
canonicalPath = "/" + strings.SplitN(canonicalPath, "/", 3)[2]
ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+canonicalPath, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
// Try to request the file from the Gitea API
if !upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, string(giteaRoot), giteaApiToken, targetOptions) {
returnErrorPage(ctx, ctx.Response.StatusCode())
if rawDomain != nil && bytes.Equal(trimmedHost, rawDomain) {
// Serve raw content from RawDomain
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain")
targetOptions.TryIndexPages = false
targetOptions.ForbiddenMimeTypes["text/html"] = struct{}{}
targetOptions.DefaultMimeType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
if len(pathElements) < 2 {
// https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}[/@{branch}]/{path} is required
ctx.Redirect(rawInfoPage, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
targetOwner = pathElements[0]
targetRepo = pathElements[1]
// raw.codeberg.org/example/myrepo/@main/index.html
if len(pathElements) > 2 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[2], "@") {
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with specified branch")
if tryBranch(targetRepo, pathElements[2][1:], pathElements[3:],
) {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
log.Debug().Msg("missing branch")
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with default branch")
tryBranch(targetRepo, "", pathElements[2:],
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else if bytes.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix) {
// Serve pages from subdomains of MainDomainSuffix
log.Debug().Msg("main domain suffix")
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
targetOwner = string(bytes.TrimSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix))
targetRepo = pathElements[0]
targetPath = strings.Trim(strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), "/")
if targetOwner == "www" {
// www.codeberg.page redirects to codeberg.page
ctx.Redirect("https://"+string(mainDomainSuffix[1:])+string(ctx.Path()), fasthttp.StatusPermanentRedirect)
// Check if the first directory is a repo with the second directory as a branch
// example.codeberg.page/myrepo/@main/index.html
if len(pathElements) > 1 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[1], "@") {
if targetRepo == "pages" {
// example.codeberg.org/pages/@... redirects to example.codeberg.org/@...
ctx.Redirect("/"+strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo & branch")
if tryBranch(pathElements[0], pathElements[1][1:], pathElements[2:],
) {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// Check if the first directory is a branch for the "pages" repo
// example.codeberg.page/@main/index.html
if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") {
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified branch")
if tryBranch("pages", pathElements[0][1:], pathElements[1:], "/%p") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// Check if the first directory is a repo with a "pages" branch
// example.codeberg.page/myrepo/index.html
// example.codeberg.page/pages/... is not allowed here.
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo")
if pathElements[0] != "pages" && tryBranch(pathElements[0], "pages", pathElements[1:], "") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
// Try to use the "pages" repo on its default branch
// example.codeberg.page/index.html
log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with default repo/branch")
if tryBranch("pages", "", pathElements, "") {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
// Couldn't find a valid repo/branch
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
} else {
trimmedHostStr := string(trimmedHost)
// Serve pages from external domains
targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch = getTargetFromDNS(trimmedHostStr, string(mainDomainSuffix))
if targetOwner == "" {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
pathElements := strings.Split(string(bytes.Trim(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), "/")), "/")
canonicalLink := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") {
targetBranch = pathElements[0][1:]
pathElements = pathElements[1:]
canonicalLink = "/%p"
// Try to use the given repo on the given branch or the default branch
log.Debug().Msg("custom domain preparations, now trying with details from DNS")
if tryBranch(targetRepo, targetBranch, pathElements, canonicalLink) {
canonicalDomain, valid := checkCanonicalDomain(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, trimmedHostStr, string(mainDomainSuffix), string(giteaRoot), giteaApiToken)
if !valid {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusMisdirectedRequest)
} else if canonicalDomain != trimmedHostStr {
// only redirect if the target is also a codeberg page!
targetOwner, _, _ = getTargetFromDNS(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0], string(mainDomainSuffix))
if targetOwner != "" {
ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+string(ctx.RequestURI()), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream")
} else {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
// returnErrorPage sets the response status code and writes NotFoundPage to the response body, with "%status" replaced
// with the provided status code.
func returnErrorPage(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, code int) {
ctx.Response.Header.SetContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8")
message := fasthttp.StatusMessage(code)
if code == fasthttp.StatusMisdirectedRequest {
message += " - domain not specified in <code>.domains</code> file"
if code == fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency {
message += " - target repo/branch doesn't exist or is private"
// TODO: use template engine?
ctx.Response.SetBody(bytes.ReplaceAll(html.NotFoundPage, []byte("%status"), []byte(strconv.Itoa(code)+" "+message)))
// DefaultBranchCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the default branch cache. It can be quite long.
var DefaultBranchCacheTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
// BranchExistanceCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the branch timestamp & existance cache. It should be shorter
// than FileCacheTimeout, as that gets invalidated if the branch timestamp has changed. That way, repo changes will be
// picked up faster, while still allowing the content to be cached longer if nothing changes.
var BranchExistanceCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// branchTimestampCache stores branch timestamps for faster cache checking
var branchTimestampCache = mcache.New()
type branchTimestamp struct {
branch string
timestamp time.Time
// FileCacheTimeout specifies the timeout for the file content cache - you might want to make this quite long, depending
// on your available memory.
var FileCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// FileCacheSizeLimit limits the maximum file size that will be cached, and is set to 1 MB by default.
var FileCacheSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024
// fileResponseCache stores responses from the Gitea server
// TODO: make this an MRU cache with a size limit
var fileResponseCache = mcache.New()
type fileResponse struct {
exists bool
mimeType string
body []byte
// getBranchTimestamp finds the default branch (if branch is "") and returns the last modification time of the branch
// (or nil if the branch doesn't exist)
func getBranchTimestamp(owner, repo, branch, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken string) *branchTimestamp {
if result, ok := branchTimestampCache.Get(owner + "/" + repo + "/" + branch); ok {
if result == nil {
return nil
return result.(*branchTimestamp)
result := &branchTimestamp{}
result.branch = branch
if branch == "" {
// Get default branch
var body = make([]byte, 0)
// TODO: use header for API key?
status, body, err := fasthttp.GetTimeout(body, giteaRoot+"/api/v1/repos/"+owner+"/"+repo+"?access_token="+giteaApiToken, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil || status != 200 {
_ = branchTimestampCache.Set(owner+"/"+repo+"/"+branch, nil, DefaultBranchCacheTimeout)
return nil
result.branch = fastjson.GetString(body, "default_branch")
var body = make([]byte, 0)
status, body, err := fasthttp.GetTimeout(body, giteaRoot+"/api/v1/repos/"+owner+"/"+repo+"/branches/"+branch+"?access_token="+giteaApiToken, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil || status != 200 {
return nil
result.timestamp, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, fastjson.GetString(body, "commit", "timestamp"))
_ = branchTimestampCache.Set(owner+"/"+repo+"/"+branch, result, BranchExistanceCacheTimeout)
return result
var upstreamClient = fasthttp.Client{
ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxConnDuration: 60 * time.Second,
MaxConnWaitTimeout: 1000 * time.Millisecond,
MaxConnsPerHost: 128 * 16, // TODO: adjust bottlenecks for best performance with Gitea!
// upstreamIndexPages lists pages that may be considered as index pages for directories.
var upstreamIndexPages = []string{
// upstream requests a file from the Gitea API at GiteaRoot and writes it to the request context.
func upstream(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken string, options *upstreamOptions) (final bool) {
log := log.With().Strs("upstream", []string{targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath}).Logger()
if options.ForbiddenMimeTypes == nil {
options.ForbiddenMimeTypes = map[string]struct{}{}
// Check if the branch exists and when it was modified
if options.BranchTimestamp == (time.Time{}) {
branch := getBranchTimestamp(targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken)
if branch == nil {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
return true
targetBranch = branch.branch
options.BranchTimestamp = branch.timestamp
if targetOwner == "" || targetRepo == "" || targetBranch == "" {
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
return true
// Check if the browser has a cached version
if ifModifiedSince, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("If-Modified-Since"))); err == nil {
if !ifModifiedSince.Before(options.BranchTimestamp) {
return true
// Make a GET request to the upstream URL
uri := targetOwner + "/" + targetRepo + "/raw/" + targetBranch + "/" + targetPath
var req *fasthttp.Request
var res *fasthttp.Response
var cachedResponse fileResponse
var err error
if cachedValue, ok := fileResponseCache.Get(uri + "?timestamp=" + strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10)); ok && len(cachedValue.(fileResponse).body) > 0 {
cachedResponse = cachedValue.(fileResponse)
} else {
req = fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
req.SetRequestURI(giteaRoot + "/api/v1/repos/" + uri + "?access_token=" + giteaApiToken)
res = fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
res.SetBodyStream(&strings.Reader{}, -1)
err = upstreamClient.Do(req, res)
// Handle errors
if (res == nil && !cachedResponse.exists) || (res != nil && res.StatusCode() == fasthttp.StatusNotFound) {
if options.TryIndexPages {
// copy the options struct & try if an index page exists
optionsForIndexPages := *options
optionsForIndexPages.TryIndexPages = false
optionsForIndexPages.AppendTrailingSlash = true
for _, indexPage := range upstreamIndexPages {
if upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, strings.TrimSuffix(targetPath, "/")+"/"+indexPage, giteaRoot, giteaApiToken, &optionsForIndexPages) {
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
// compatibility fix for GitHub Pages (/example → /example.html)
optionsForIndexPages.AppendTrailingSlash = false
optionsForIndexPages.RedirectIfExists = string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()) + ".html"
if upstream(ctx, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath+".html", giteaRoot, giteaApiToken, &optionsForIndexPages) {
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
if res != nil {
// Update cache if the request is fresh
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
exists: false,
}, FileCacheTimeout)
return false
if res != nil && (err != nil || res.StatusCode() != fasthttp.StatusOK) {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't fetch contents from \"%s\": %s (status code %d)\n", req.RequestURI(), err, res.StatusCode())
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
return true
// Append trailing slash if missing (for index files), and redirect to fix filenames in general
// options.AppendTrailingSlash is only true when looking for index pages
if options.AppendTrailingSlash && !bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte{'/'}) {
ctx.Redirect(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path())+"/", fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
if bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte("/index.html")) {
ctx.Redirect(strings.TrimSuffix(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()), "index.html"), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
if options.RedirectIfExists != "" {
ctx.Redirect(options.RedirectIfExists, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return true
log.Debug().Msg("error handling")
// Set the MIME type
mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(path.Ext(targetPath))
mimeTypeSplit := strings.SplitN(mimeType, ";", 2)
if _, ok := options.ForbiddenMimeTypes[mimeTypeSplit[0]]; ok || mimeType == "" {
if options.DefaultMimeType != "" {
mimeType = options.DefaultMimeType
} else {
mimeType = "application/octet-stream"
// Everything's okay so far
log.Debug().Msg("response preparations")
// Write the response body to the original request
var cacheBodyWriter bytes.Buffer
if res != nil {
if res.Header.ContentLength() > FileCacheSizeLimit {
err = res.BodyWriteTo(ctx.Response.BodyWriter())
} else {
// TODO: cache is half-empty if request is cancelled - does the ctx.Err() below do the trick?
err = res.BodyWriteTo(io.MultiWriter(ctx.Response.BodyWriter(), &cacheBodyWriter))
} else {
_, err = ctx.Write(cachedResponse.body)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't write body for \"%s\": %s\n", req.RequestURI(), err)
returnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
return true
if res != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
cachedResponse.exists = true
cachedResponse.mimeType = mimeType
cachedResponse.body = cacheBodyWriter.Bytes()
_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(options.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), cachedResponse, FileCacheTimeout)
return true
// upstreamOptions provides various options for the upstream request.
type upstreamOptions struct {
DefaultMimeType string
ForbiddenMimeTypes map[string]struct{}
TryIndexPages bool
AppendTrailingSlash bool
RedirectIfExists string
BranchTimestamp time.Time
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package main
package server
import (
@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ import (
func TestHandlerPerformance(t *testing.T) {
testHandler := Handler(
[][]byte{[]byte("raw.codeberg.org"), []byte("fonts.codeberg.org"), []byte("design.codeberg.org")},
ctx := &fasthttp.RequestCtx{
Request: *fasthttp.AcquireRequest(),
Response: *fasthttp.AcquireResponse(),
@ -15,7 +25,7 @@ func TestHandlerPerformance(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("Start: %v\n", time.Now())
start := time.Now()
end := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Done: %v\n", time.Now())
if ctx.Response.StatusCode() != 200 || len(ctx.Response.Body()) < 2048 {
@ -28,7 +38,7 @@ func TestHandlerPerformance(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("Start: %v\n", time.Now())
start = time.Now()
end = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Done: %v\n", time.Now())
if ctx.Response.StatusCode() != 200 || len(ctx.Response.Body()) < 2048 {
@ -42,7 +52,7 @@ func TestHandlerPerformance(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("Start: %v\n", time.Now())
start = time.Now()
end = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Done: %v\n", time.Now())
if ctx.Response.StatusCode() != 200 || len(ctx.Response.Body()) < 1 {
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
package main
package server
import (
// GetHSTSHeader returns a HSTS header with includeSubdomains & preload for MainDomainSuffix and RawDomain, or an empty
// string for custom domains.
func GetHSTSHeader(host []byte) string {
if bytes.HasSuffix(host, MainDomainSuffix) || bytes.Equal(host, RawDomain) {
func GetHSTSHeader(host, mainDomainSuffix, rawDomain []byte) string {
if bytes.HasSuffix(host, mainDomainSuffix) || bytes.Equal(host, rawDomain) {
return "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload"
} else {
return ""
@ -54,3 +56,12 @@ func PogrebGet(db *pogreb.DB, name []byte, obj interface{}) bool {
return true
// EnvOr reads an environment variable and returns a default value if it's empty.
// TODO: to helpers.go or use CLI framework
func EnvOr(env string, or string) string {
if v := os.Getenv(env); v != "" {
return v
return or
Reference in New Issue
Block a user