package server import ( "fmt" "net/http" "path" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( headerAccessControlAllowOrigin = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headerAccessControlAllowMethods = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ) // Handler handles a single HTTP request to the web server. func Handler(mainDomainSuffix, rawDomain string, giteaClient *gitea.Client, giteaRoot, rawInfoPage string, blacklistedPaths, allowedCorsDomains []string, dnsLookupCache, canonicalDomainCache cache.SetGetKey, ) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { log := log.With().Strs("Handler", []string{string(req.Host), req.RequestURI}).Logger() ctx := context.New(w, req) ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Server", "CodebergPages/"+version.Version) // Force new default from specification (since November 2020) - see ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin") // Enable browser caching for up to 10 minutes ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=600") trimmedHost := utils.TrimHostPort(req.Host) // Add HSTS for RawDomain and MainDomainSuffix if hsts := getHSTSHeader(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix, rawDomain); hsts != "" { ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", hsts) } // Block all methods not required for static pages if !ctx.IsMethod(http.MethodGet) && !ctx.IsMethod(http.MethodHead) && !ctx.IsMethod(http.MethodOptions) { ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Allow", http.MethodGet+", "+http.MethodHead+", "+http.MethodOptions) // duplic 1 ctx.String("Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } // Block blacklisted paths (like ACME challenges) for _, blacklistedPath := range blacklistedPaths { if strings.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), blacklistedPath) { html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "requested blacklisted path", http.StatusForbidden) return } } // Allow CORS for specified domains allowCors := false for _, allowedCorsDomain := range allowedCorsDomains { if strings.EqualFold(trimmedHost, allowedCorsDomain) { allowCors = true break } } if allowCors { ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set(headerAccessControlAllowOrigin, "*") ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set(headerAccessControlAllowMethods, http.MethodGet+", "+http.MethodHead) } ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Allow", http.MethodGet+", "+http.MethodHead+", "+http.MethodOptions) // duplic 1 if ctx.IsMethod(http.MethodOptions) { ctx.RespWriter.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return } // Prepare request information to Gitea var targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath string targetOptions := &upstream.Options{ TryIndexPages: true, } // tryBranch checks if a branch exists and populates the target variables. If canonicalLink is non-empty, it will // also disallow search indexing and add a Link header to the canonical URL. // TODO: move into external func to not alert vars indirectly tryBranch := func(log zerolog.Logger, repo, branch string, _path []string, canonicalLink string) bool { if repo == "" { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: repo is empty") return false } // Replace "~" to "/" so we can access branch that contains slash character // Branch name cannot contain "~" so doing this is okay branch = strings.ReplaceAll(branch, "~", "/") // Check if the branch exists, otherwise treat it as a file path branchTimestampResult := upstream.GetBranchTimestamp(giteaClient, targetOwner, repo, branch) if branchTimestampResult == nil { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: branch doesn't exist") return false } // Branch exists, use it targetRepo = repo targetPath = path.Join(_path...) targetBranch = branchTimestampResult.Branch targetOptions.BranchTimestamp = branchTimestampResult.Timestamp if canonicalLink != "" { // Hide from search machines & add canonical link ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("X-Robots-Tag", "noarchive, noindex") ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("Link", strings.NewReplacer("%b", targetBranch, "%p", targetPath).Replace(canonicalLink)+ "; rel=\"canonical\"", ) } log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: true") return true } log.Debug().Msg("preparations") if rawDomain != "" && strings.EqualFold(trimmedHost, rawDomain) { // Serve raw content from RawDomain log.Debug().Msg("raw domain") targetOptions.TryIndexPages = false targetOptions.ServeRaw = true pathElements := strings.Split(strings.Trim(ctx.Path(), "/"), "/") if len(pathElements) < 2 { // https://{RawDomain}/{owner}/{repo}[/@{branch}]/{path} is required ctx.Redirect(rawInfoPage, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } targetOwner = pathElements[0] targetRepo = pathElements[1] // if len(pathElements) > 2 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[2], "@") { log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with specified branch") if tryBranch(log, targetRepo, pathElements[2][1:], pathElements[3:], giteaRoot+"/"+targetOwner+"/"+targetRepo+"/src/branch/%b/%p", ) { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 1") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) return } log.Debug().Msg("missing branch info") html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "missing branch info", http.StatusFailedDependency) return } log.Debug().Msg("raw domain preparations, now trying with default branch") tryBranch(log, targetRepo, "", pathElements[2:], giteaRoot+"/"+targetOwner+"/"+targetRepo+"/src/branch/%b/%p", ) log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 2") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) return } else if strings.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix) { // Serve pages from subdomains of MainDomainSuffix log.Debug().Msg("main domain suffix") pathElements := strings.Split(strings.Trim(ctx.Path(), "/"), "/") targetOwner = strings.TrimSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix) targetRepo = pathElements[0] targetPath = strings.Trim(strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), "/") if targetOwner == "www" { // redirects to // TODO: rm hardcoded - use cname? ctx.Redirect("https://"+string(mainDomainSuffix[1:])+string(ctx.Path()), http.StatusPermanentRedirect) return } // Check if the first directory is a repo with the second directory as a branch // if len(pathElements) > 1 && strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[1], "@") { if targetRepo == "pages" { // redirects to ctx.Redirect("/"+strings.Join(pathElements[1:], "/"), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo & branch") branch := pathElements[1][1:] if tryBranch(log, pathElements[0], branch, pathElements[2:], "/"+pathElements[0]+"/%p", ) { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 3") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) } else { html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("explizite set branch %q do not exist at '%s/%s'", branch, targetOwner, targetRepo), http.StatusFailedDependency) } return } // Check if the first directory is a branch for the "pages" repo // if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") { log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified branch") branch := pathElements[0][1:] if tryBranch(log, "pages", branch, pathElements[1:], "/%p") { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 4") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, "pages", targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) } else { html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("explizite set branch %q do not exist at '%s/%s'", branch, targetOwner, "pages"), http.StatusFailedDependency) } return } // Check if the first directory is a repo with a "pages" branch // // is not allowed here. log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with specified repo") if pathElements[0] != "pages" && tryBranch(log, pathElements[0], "pages", pathElements[1:], "") { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 5") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) return } // Try to use the "pages" repo on its default branch // log.Debug().Msg("main domain preparations, now trying with default repo/branch") if tryBranch(log, "pages", "", pathElements, "") { log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 6") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) return } // Couldn't find a valid repo/branch html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("couldn't find a valid repo[%s]/branch[%s]", targetRepo, targetBranch), http.StatusFailedDependency) return } else { trimmedHostStr := string(trimmedHost) // Serve pages from custom domains targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch = dns.GetTargetFromDNS(trimmedHostStr, string(mainDomainSuffix), dnsLookupCache) if targetOwner == "" { html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "could not obtain repo owner from custom domain", http.StatusFailedDependency) return } pathElements := strings.Split(strings.Trim(ctx.Path(), "/"), "/") canonicalLink := "" if strings.HasPrefix(pathElements[0], "@") { targetBranch = pathElements[0][1:] pathElements = pathElements[1:] canonicalLink = "/%p" } // Try to use the given repo on the given branch or the default branch log.Debug().Msg("custom domain preparations, now trying with details from DNS") if tryBranch(log, targetRepo, targetBranch, pathElements, canonicalLink) { canonicalDomain, valid := upstream.CheckCanonicalDomain(giteaClient, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, trimmedHostStr, string(mainDomainSuffix), canonicalDomainCache) if !valid { html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "domain not specified in .domains file", http.StatusMisdirectedRequest) return } else if canonicalDomain != trimmedHostStr { // only redirect if the target is also a codeberg page! targetOwner, _, _ = dns.GetTargetFromDNS(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0], string(mainDomainSuffix), dnsLookupCache) if targetOwner != "" { ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+string(ctx.Path()), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "target is no codeberg page", http.StatusFailedDependency) return } log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch, now trying upstream 7") tryUpstream(ctx, giteaClient, mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost, targetOptions, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath, canonicalDomainCache) return } html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "could not find target for custom domain", http.StatusFailedDependency) return } } }