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synced 2025-02-21 10:33:56 +00:00
Merge pull request 'Amélioration du script en ajoutant une variable pour définir si utilisation de SRT externe ou pas.' (#124) from BatchMergeSubtitleswithMKVMerge into master
Reviewed-on: https://gitea.zoz-serv.org/Zoz/plex_fr_discord_repo/pulls/124
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
## ##
## Objectifs : ##
## Remuxer deux MKV en gardant l'audio et le(s) sous-titre du premier, et seulement la vidéo ##
## du second ##
## Remuxer deux MKV en gardant l'audio et le(s) sous-titre du premier ou un sous-titre ##
## externe, et seulement la vidéo du second MKV ##
## ##
@ -32,14 +32,27 @@ $sourceDirectory_1 = "PATH_TO_SOURCE_1"
$sourceDirectory_2 = "PATH_TO_SOURCE_2"
$destinationDirectory = "PATH_TO_DESTINATION"
# Rename output file with this settings :
$chain_to_search = '(.*).S(\d*)E(\d*).(.*)H.264(.*)'
$chain__to_replace = '$1 - S$2E$3 - $4x265-10bits$5--Reencoded'
# The filenames must be like : blabla.S00E00.blabla.H.264.blabla
# They will be renamed to : blabla - S00E00 - blabla.x265-10bits.blabla--Reencoded
# If you don't want the rename to be made, juste set to '' the variables.
# Is there an external subtitle ? Set the number of .SRT (0 - 2)
# It's exclusive, no internal SUB will be proceed..
$NB_External_SUB = 0
# Extension without the .
$MkvExtension = "mkv"
#Set Subtitle Extension (Don't add the . before the extension)
$SubExtension_1 = 'eng.srt'
$SubExtension_2 = 'fre.srt'
#If source and destination are the same folder, set this to True, Otherwise let it to "False"
$merged_SUFFIX_name = "False"
#### Objective : Keep audio and subtitles and tags from FILE n°1 - Add video from FILE n°2
#### FILE 1 - Keeping all but the video
# ================== AUDIO ==================
# Track 1 = Audio n°1
@ -49,34 +62,64 @@ $AudioLang_1 = "1:en"
$AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes"
$file_1_options = "--no-video"
# ================== SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 2 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
$SubTrackName_1 = "2:English SDH - SRT"
$SubTrackLang_1 = "2:en"
$SubTrack_1_default = "2:yes"
$sub_charset_1 = "2:UTF-8"
# Track 3 = Sub n°2 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
# $SubTrackName_1 = "3:English SDH - SRT"
# $SubTrackLang_1 = "3:eng"
# $SubTrack_1_default = "3:yes"
# $sub_charset_1 = "3:UTF-8"
#### FILE 2 - MKV - Keeping only the video
$file_2_options = "--no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags"
#### $file_2_options = "--no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags"
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) {
# ================== EXTERNAL SUBTITLE ==================
# Must have the same name as MKV1
#### FILE 3 - SRT - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags)
# ================== SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value
$ExtSubTrackName_1 = "0:English - SRT"
$ExtSubTrackLang_1 = "0:eng"
$ExtSubTrack_1_default = "0:yes"
$Extsub_charset_1 = "0:UTF-8"
#### FILE 4 - SRT - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags)
# ================== SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value
$ExtSubTrackName_2 = "0:Français - SRT"
$ExtSubTrackLang_2 = "0:fr"
$ExtSubTrack_2_default = "0:no"
$Extsub_charset_2 = "0:UTF-8"
# ================== OTHER SETTINGS ==================
# Define track order
if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 1 ) {
$track_order = "1:0,0:1,2:0"
elseif ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) {
$track_order = "1:0,0:1,2:0;3,0"
else {
# ================== INTERNAL SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 2 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
# $SubTrackName_1 = "2:English SDH - SRT"
# $SubTrackLang_1 = "2:en"
# $SubTrack_1_default = "2:yes"
# $sub_charset_1 = "2:UTF-8"
# ================== OTHER SETTINGS ==================
# Define track order
$track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:2"
# Define subtitles track to keep
$subtitle_tracks = "2"
# Track 3 = Sub n°2 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
$SubTrackName_1 = "3:English SDH - SRT"
$SubTrackLang_1 = "3:eng"
$SubTrack_1_default = "3:yes"
$sub_charset_1 = "3:UTF-8"
# ================== OTHER SETTINGS ==================
# Define track order
$track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:3"
$subtitle_tracks = "3"
# Testing if the Not-Merged folder already exists : if yes, it will be renamed, else it will be created.
@ -108,19 +151,48 @@ $MKV_2_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_2 -Filter "*.mkv" | ForEach-Object
$Count_2 = $MKV_2_List.count
Write-Host "$Count_2 MKV's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_2."
# #########################
# Check if there is the same number of .srt files as .mkv files
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) {
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ge 1 ) { # If $NB_External_SUB >= 1 (include =1 and =2)
$SRT_1_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_1" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object
$Count_1_SRT = $SRT_1_List.count
Write-Host "$Count_1 MKV's to be processed and $Count_1_SRT SRT's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1."
if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_1_SRT) {
Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°1 files in this folder. Let's continue."
} else {
Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°1 files isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red"
if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) { # Only if $NB_External_SUB = 2
$SRT_2_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_2" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object
$Count_2_SRT = $SRT_2_List.count
if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_2_SRT) {
Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°2 files in this folder. Let's continue."
} else {
Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°2 files isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red"
# #########################
# #########################
# Check if there is the same .mkv files in both source directory
if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_2) {
Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV in the two sources folders. Let's continue."
} else {
Write-Host "The number of MKV in the two sources folders isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red"
# if (!($Count_1 -eq ($filename_ep_final - $filename_ep_start + 1))) {
# Write-Host "The number of episodes set in the script isn't the same as the number of files in the folders... EXITING NOW !" -foreground "red"
# Exit
# }
# #########################
# for ($i = $filename_ep_start; $i -lt $filename_ep_final+1; $i++) {
Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
@ -139,14 +211,48 @@ Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
$MKV_2_name = $FormatName_2.Substring(0,$FormatName_2.Length-($MkvExtension.Length+1))
$MKV_2 = $sourceDirectory_2 + "\" + $MKV_2_name + ".$MkvExtension"
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) {
$SRT_1_Name = $MKV_1_name
$SRT_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_1_name + ".$SubExtension_1"
$SRT_2_Name = $MKV_1_name + ".$SubExtension_2"
$SRT_2 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_2_name + ".$SubExtension_2"
# Exceptions for some files with other than 2 SRT inside
# You must copy paste the default entries set in the begining of this script in the Default section
# switch ($MKV_1_name)
# {
# "Name of a media with not the same subtitles structure"
# "FILE-1-blabla"
# {
# # ================== AUDIO ==================
# # Track 1 = Audio n°1
# # Name and language of Audio Track n°1
# $AudioTrackName_1 = "1:English - DDP 5.1"
# $AudioLang_1 = "1:en"
# $AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes"
# # Only One subtitle track : n°2
# $SubTrackName_1 = "2:English SDH - SRT"
# $SubTrackName_1 = "3:English SDH - SRT"
# $SubTrackLang_1 = "3:en"
# $SubTrack_1_default = "3:yes"
# $sub_charset_1 = "3:UTF-8"
# # Define track order
# $track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:3"
# # Define subtitles track to keep
# $subtitle_tracks = "3"
# break
# }
# "FILE-2-blabla"
# {
# # Track 1 = Audio n°1
# # Name and language of Audio Track n°1
# $AudioTrackName_1 = "1:English - AAC 2.0"
# $AudioLang_1 = "1:en"
# $AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes"
# # Only One subtitle track : n°2
# $SubTrackName_1 = "2:English - SRT"
# $SubTrackLang_1 = "2:en"
# $SubTrack_1_default = "2:yes"
# $sub_charset_1 = "2:UTF-8"
@ -156,7 +262,6 @@ Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
# $subtitle_tracks = "2"
# break
# }
# "Star Trek Lower Decks.S01E10.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb"
# #Default state
# Default
# {
@ -175,18 +280,9 @@ Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
# if ($i -lt 10 ) { # i<10
# $MKV_1_name = $filename_1_part_1 + "S" + $filename_season + "E0" + $i + $filename_1_part_2
# $MKV_2_name = $filename_2_part_1 + "S" + $filename_season + "E0" + $i + $filename_2_part_2
# } else { # i=10
# $MKV_1_name = $filename_1_part_1 + "S" + $filename_season + "E" + $i + $filename_1_part_2
# $MKV_2_name = $filename_2_part_1 + "S" + $filename_season + "E" + $i + $filename_2_part_2
# }
# $MKV_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $MKV_1_name + ".mkv"
# $MKV_2 = $sourceDirectory_2 + "\" + $MKV_2_name + ".mkv"
# Title for the video track and for the destination file
$VideoTrackName = $MKV_1_name -replace '(.*).S(\d*)E(\d*).(.*)H.264(.*)', '$1 - S$2E$3 - $4x265-10bits$5--Reencoded'
#$VideoTrackName = $MKV_1_name -replace '(.*).S(\d*)E(\d*).(.*)H.264(.*)', '$1 - S$2E$3 - $4x265-10bits$5--Reencoded'
$VideoTrackName_BIS = $MKV_1_name -replace $chain_to_search, $chain__to_replace
#Set Output File Name
#$Output = $Name + '___MERGED' + '.mkv'
@ -214,11 +310,56 @@ Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
--language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes"
# two subtiles to keep :
#& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_2" --language "$SubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$SubTrackName_2" --default-track "$SubTrack_2_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2"
# Only one subtitles to keep
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2"
if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 1 ) {
<# Command to edit
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" -o "$Output"
--no-video --no-subtitles
--language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default"
--language "$AudioLang_2" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_2" --default-track "$AudioTrack_2_default"
-no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags
--language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes"
--sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default"
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" -o "$Output" --no-video --no-subtitles --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" "$MKV_2" --sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default" "$SRT_1"
elseif ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) {
<# Command to edit
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" -o "$Output"
--no-video --no-subtitles
--language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default"
--language "$AudioLang_2" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_2" --default-track "$AudioTrack_2_default"
-no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags
--language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes"
--sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default"
--sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_2" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_2" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_2_default"
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" -o "$Output" --no-video --no-subtitles --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --language "$AudioLang_2" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_2" --default-track "$AudioTrack_2_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" "$MKV_2" --sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default" "$SRT_1" --sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_2" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_2" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_2_default" "$SRT_2"
else {
# INTERNAL SUB to keep
# two subtiles to keep :
#& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_2" --language "$SubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$SubTrackName_2" --default-track "$SubTrack_2_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2"
# Only one subtitles to keep
& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2"
If (Test-Path $Output) {
@ -229,7 +370,15 @@ Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
# Move to folder Not-Merged, this folder's existence has already been tested, and the folder is created.
Move-Item -Path $MKV_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose
Move-Item -Path $MKV_2 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose
#Move-Item -Path $Sub -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) {
Move-Item -Path $SRT_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose
if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) {
Move-Item -Path $SRT_2 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose
# Renaming the output file is not necessary if the output filename doesn't have __MERGED in it
#Rename-Item -Path $Output -NewName $MKV -Verbose
Reference in New Issue
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