diff --git a/updater.bat b/updater.bat index 8a4993d..18830da 100644 --- a/updater.bat +++ b/updater.bat @@ -28,39 +28,10 @@ IF /I "%~1"=="-multioverrides" ( IF /I "%~1"=="-merge" ( SET _merge=1 ) -REM case-sensitive check because we need to strip it from params -IF "%~1"=="-updatebatch" ( - SET _updateb=1 -) SHIFT GOTO parse :endparse ECHO. -IF DEFINED _updateb ( - ECHO Checking updater version... - ECHO. - DEL /F "!_myname!-updated.bat" 2>nul - powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/raw/master/updater.bat', '!_myname!-updated.bat')" >nul - IF EXIST "!_myname!-updated.bat" ( - CLS - SET "_myparams=!_myparams:-updatebatch=!" - START CMD /C "!_myname!-updated.bat" !_myparams! - DEL /F "!_myname!.bat" 2>nul - EXIT /B - ) ELSE ( - ECHO Failed. Make sure PowerShell is allowed internet access. - ECHO. - PAUSE - EXIT /B - ) -) ELSE ( - IF NOT "!_myname!"=="!_myname:-updated=X!" ( - CALL :begin - REN "!_myname!.bat" "!_myname:-updated=!.bat" - EXIT /B - ) -) -:begin SET /A "_line=0" IF NOT EXIST user.js ( ECHO user.js not detected in the current directory.